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Lewis Greenwald in Joyce Kilmer Park in the Bronx, 1946, age 2.
Chicago, IL, 1961—Sisters Donna and Faye
SOLD, watercolor on paper, 11x14”
Hedda Cimoli (1918-2005) fought for the Resistance in Italy during WWII, providing the Allies with secret information she discovered. She and her brother, Mario, survived bombings, the risks of helping the Allies as spies, and time in a concentration camp. After the war, Robert W. Bird, a Captain in the U.S. Army, met Hedda and recognized her voice from radio correspondence during the war. She broke it off with her Italian fiance, married Robert, and moved to the US. This photo was taken at a Tuscan beach on their honeymoon.
Watercolor on paper, 16x22
The artist’s mother, Kathleen Shaffer, on her wedding day, 1978. Most of the wedding photos were ruined when accidentally exposed, but this one survived.
Watercolor, 17x23
Pearl Lubarsky, at age 17 in 1929, in her backyard in Brooklyn, New York.
Watercolor on paper, 14x22
Watercolor, 22x22
Elizabeth Gockowski on her wedding day.
Watercolor, 16x22
Sylvester Gockowski, likely around 1930. He died at the age of 36 in 1936, leaving behind his wife and young children.
Watercolor, 15x22
Lois Bond and her daughter, Edith Howard, likely in 1931.
Joseph Gockowski, Sr, sometime in the 1920’s.